Filling An Important Managerial Position In Your Company

If you own your own company, and you recently found out one of your executive managers plans on relinquishing their position, you are most likely concerned about filling the slot promptly. Finding the right candidate to fill a position can be tricky and overwhelming if you do not have some assistance from others. Here are some tips you can take to ensure you select someone qualified for the position you have available.

Hire Someone On A Temporary Basis

Consider hiring someone under the stipulation they pass your qualification tests in how they handle their tasks on a temporary basis. During this time, they will be under evaluation without the promise of a full-time position until after they are able to prove their worth to your company. It will be necessary to have paperwork available with this information listed and to let them know this pre-requisite at the time of the hiring. If they are able to fulfill your desires, you can then take them on permanently. If not, you will have the opportunity to hire someone else.

Enlist Help From An Executive Search Firm

Hire an executive search firm like Scion Staffing to do the work in finding you qualified candidates for the job you have available. This will take away much of the burden of reading resumes and interviewing people who may not be up to the task of the job at hand. An executive search firm will give you a list of people who meet the criteria you specify. Since the firm is doing the bulk of the legwork in finding you people capable to take on the position, you will feel confident in interviewing the applicants they recommend, helping you to really pinpoint the best person for the job.

Give A Written And Oral Test

Tests can be complied for applicants to take before they get to their interviews. This will help you determine which of them are ready to undertake the managerial role and which of them just look good on paper. Using an online test along with the application process can eliminate people you feel will not be able to take on the role available, saving you time as you will not need to go through the interview process if you do not want to. Those who answer questions correctly can be interviewed. Compile some scenarios to see how these prospective employees would handle problems in the company. This will give you a better feel for how they would respond to real life situations, helping you to determine who is best for the job as a result.
